Please support our annual fundraising campaign!
Every year, the PAC receives more funding requests from staff than it can cover with the annual BC Gaming Grant and we rely on funding from this campaign to help meet demand.
These funds really do make an incredible difference by providing additional equipment and resources that enhances your child’s learning experience and staff are so appreciative of the additional support. Just about every department and program benefits from PAC funding which means hundreds and hundreds of students also benefit.
This year, our goal is to raise $15,000 by the end of the December. We know everyone receives a lot of requests, but we very much hope you will consider making a contribution – every little bit helps!
Please follow-up the steps below to donate through SchoolCashOline. A tax receipt will be automatically generated for all donations over $20.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Lord Byng PAC
Go to
Choose from a list of donation amounts, or enter a specific amount.
Choose a "Fund Destination." Select S-LORD BYNG PAC from the dropdown list which includes every school in the District, the Board, and some district-wide programs.
In the "Message" field under the section "Message to School Board", you must enter. LORD BYNG PAC Direct Appeal.
Click on "Add To Cart".
Review the information for accuracy and click on "Continue" if everything is correct.
The donor will then be prompted to sign in. If the donor doesn't have a School Cash Online account, then click on "Click here to register now" and follow the steps to complete the registration process. If the donor does have an account, then continue with the payment process to complete the Donation transaction.
After the payment has been processed a donation receipt will appear on screen for printing. The donor will also receive an emailed copy.