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PAC Fundraising

The PAC administers two main sources of funds for Lord Byng Secondary. The first source is the British Columbia Gaming Grant. The PAC applies for this grant in the previous year and typically receives it in October of the following year. These funds can be spent on extra-curricular activities and in-province field trips. 

The second source of funds comes from our Direct Appeal Fundraiser. We ask parents/guardians who are able to donate $50-$150 to Byng Secondary. All donations are tax-deductible. In previous years we have used these funds to buy bigger ticket items such as risers for the music room, equipment for the science labs, and cardio equipment for the gym. These items are used by the entire school population. 

Each September the PAC asks Byng Admin, Teachers, and Student Clubs to submit their "funding wishlist". In October, we fund as many of the extracurricular 'wishlist' items as we can through the BC Gaming Grant, and in Jan/Feb, we try to fund the rest of the wishlist through the Direct Appeal.


We also run small fundraisers such as our grocery shopping fundraisers. More details can be found here

Other groups at Byng will also fundraise throughout the year, including the Grad Committee, which fundraises for the many wonderful grad events that occur each June. 

More details of the Direct Appeal Fundraiser will be posted here in October 2025. 


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